Monday, May 14, 2012

Out of the Lane #1

Belief is a powerful tool for the foolish, but a dangerous trap for the wise. A man who believes the sun will rise each day is shocked when it does not. A man who believes he will live forever is likewise surprised by his finite life. Truth is difficult to determine, and perhaps impossible given the limitations of human perception. We cannot know, and must believe. Ideas are forged to explain a phenomenon, but it is the belief in an answer that ultimately becomes true. Yet, sometimes those beliefs are disproven. This is the trap of believing what you cannot know: it becomes possible to dismiss arguments against your belief. A strong will allows people to hold on to something even if it is wrong. To believe in something, or someone, is to close off the posibility of doubt. If it is true, then you are successful. If not, then you are in danger of beling close-minded .

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