Thursday, May 24, 2012


Q: What is RFW?

A: RFW stands for 'Race For Wool'. It is a competitive game played using custom maps in Minecraft, and pits teams of four against each other in a race to see who can collect wool the fastest.

Q: How is RFW played?

A: Games are played on a variety of maps, each with their own set of rules. Generally one team must collect their wool before the opposing team can do the same. In addition, each side can interact with each other from a distance using bows.

Q: What do the maps look like?

A: RFW maps are usually divided into two lanes, each about a chunk (16 blocks) or a half chunk wide. Between the two sides is the area known as the 'void lane', in which neither team can enter. This is about a chunk wide as well. The maps are set up to challenge players to get the wool, and feature dungeons, traps, obstacles, and often quite a few mobs to guard them.

Q: Is RFW PvP (player versus player)?

A: RFW maps are balanced to be about half PvP, and half PvE (player versus environment). You will spend some time fighting mobs, and some time fighting enemy players. Some maps have little to no mobs, and others make it difficult to fight the enemy team. It's all up to the map maker.

Q: How long to matches usually last?

A: A match can last as short as fifteen minutes or as long as a few hours. Certain maps take longer than others and the actions of both teams can have a huge effect on completion time.

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